
Getting braces is a big step toward a healthier smile, but it also means being extra careful maintaining braces during sports, especially if you’re into sports. Taking care of your braces during sports is crucial to avoid any damage and keep your treatment on track. Here are some tips to help you navigate sports while ensuring your braces stay in great shape. This advice comes to you from Super Orthodontics, committed to helping you achieve that perfect smile.

1. Always Wear a Mouthguard

Wearing mouthguards with braces is crucial for protecting both the teeth and the orthodontic appliances during physical activities. Mouthguards provide a barrier that cushions the teeth and braces from impacts that can occur in sports or other activities, thereby preventing injuries such as cuts to the lips, cheeks, and gums, as well as damage to the braces themselves. For individuals with braces, specially designed orthodontic mouthguards are recommended, as they accommodate the brackets and wires, ensuring a comfortable fit while maintaining protection. Consistent use of a mouthguard can prevent costly dental repairs and contribute to the overall success of orthodontic treatment by safeguarding the braces and the progress they are achieving.

Protect your teeth and braces with a mouthguard
Protect your teeth and braces with a mouthguard during sports activities.

2. Choose Your Sports Wisely

While braces shouldn’t limit your sports participation, it’s wise to choose activities carefully. Contact sports like football, hockey, and basketball can pose higher risks of facial impacts. If you play these sports, always wear a mouthguard and consider additional protective gear like face masks. Non-contact sports such as swimming and cycling are generally safer for braces. Super Orthodontics provides guidance on the best protective measures for your specific needs.

Choose Your Sports Wisely
Whether you’re playing contact or non-contact sports, we’ve got you covered.

3. Maintain Excellent Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene is crucial when you have braces, especially if you’re active in sports. Braces can trap food particles and plaque, leading to cavities and gum problems if not cleaned properly. Make sure to:

    • Brush after meals using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
    • Floss daily with a floss threader or orthodontic flossers to clean between teeth and underwires.
    • Rinse with a fluoride mouthwash to strengthen enamel and kill bacteria.

Super Orthodontics recommends these practices to keep your teeth and braces in top condition.

Maintain excellent oral hygiene to keep your braces and teeth healthy.
Maintain excellent oral hygiene to keep your braces and teeth healthy.

4. Avoid Problematic Foods

Certain foods can damage braces and prolong your treatment time. Steer clear of hard, sticky, or chewy foods that could break brackets or bend wires. Opt for braces-friendly snacks like yogurt, cheese, and soft fruits to keep your braces intact. At Super Orthodontics, we provide a comprehensive list of foods to avoid and recommend alternatives that are safe for your braces.

Choose braces-friendly foods to protect your braces and ensure a smooth treatment journey.
Choose braces-friendly foods to protect your braces and ensure a smooth treatment journey.

5. Regular Orthodontic Visits

Schedule regular check-ups with Super Orthodontics to ensure your braces are working effectively and to make necessary adjustments. Keep your orthodontist informed about your sports activities so they can provide specific guidance and additional protection as needed. Regular visits are crucial for the success of your orthodontic treatment.

Regular check-ups at Super Orthodontics ensure your braces are on track
Regular check-ups at Super Orthodontics ensure your braces are on track

6. Be Prepared for Emergencies

Despite precautions, accidents can happen during sports. Know how to handle common orthodontic emergencies:

    • Use orthodontic wax for temporary fixes like loose brackets or poking wires.
    • Rinse with saltwater to soothe mouth sores caused by braces irritation.

Contact Super Orthodontics promptly for severe pain or damage to your braces. Our team is always ready to help you manage any orthodontic emergencies.

Super Orthodontics ensures optimal braces care, keeping your smile in perfect alignment.
Super Orthodontics ensures optimal braces care, keeping your smile in perfect alignment.

7. Stay Hydrated for Maintaining Braces During Sports

Drinking plenty of water is not only good for overall health but also helps maintain good oral hygiene. Water flushes away food debris and bacteria, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease. During sports, choose water over sugary drinks to protect your teeth and braces.

Maintaining proper hydration promotes excellent oral health.
Maintaining proper hydration promotes excellent oral health.

8. Use Orthodontic Wax For Maintaining Braces During Sports

Orthodontic wax can prevent discomfort from braces rubbing against your cheeks or lips during sports. Apply it to any area causing irritation for a more comfortable experience. Super Orthodontics provides high-quality orthodontic wax to keep you comfortable throughout your treatment.


9. Communicate with Coaches and Teammates

Make sure your coaches and teammates know about your braces. They can help create a safer environment during practices and games, and they’ll be aware in case of any orthodontic emergencies during sports activities.

Open communication with your team ensures a safer sports experience.
Open communication with your team ensures a safer sports experience.

10. Stay Positive and Committed

Managing braces during sports requires extra care and attention, but it’s manageable with the right approach. Stay positive and committed to your orthodontic treatment and sports activities. The effort you put in now will pay off with a healthy, beautiful smile in the future.

Stay positive and committed for a healthy, beautiful smile
Stay positive and committed for a healthy, beautiful smile.

11. Educate Yourself and Others

Learn about best practices for protecting your braces during sports and share this knowledge with others who may benefit. Being aware of potential risks and how to prevent them will help you maintain your braces and overall dental health effectively.

Educate yourself and others to protect your braces during sports
Educate yourself and others to protect your braces during sports


Balancing braces and sports activities requires diligence and care, but with these tips for maintaining braces during sports, you can protect your braces and enjoy sports safely. By following these tips, you can effectively maintain braces during sports and protect your smile. Remember to wear your mouthguard, maintain excellent oral hygiene, avoid problematic foods, and be prepared for emergencies. Regular visits to Super Orthodontics and open communication with coaches and teammates will also contribute to a successful treatment outcome. With proper management, you can maintain your braces effectively while pursuing your athletic passions and achieving a healthy, confident smile.

At Super Orthodontics, we’re committed to supporting you through every step of your orthodontic journey. Whether you need Invisalign, braces, or any other orthodontic treatment, our team is here to support you. For more information on how Super Orthodontics can assist you with your orthodontic treatment, book your free consultation today.